30.81 Acres in Boom Creek Village

Agent: Jo Audinett
ID #1165
Price: USD $69,000
Availability Status: Reduced

Property Information for ID #1165

30 Acres of Virgin Land with Huge Potential

Sitting just outside of Boom creek village is this fabulous 30 acre property simply oozing potential! A 900 sq ft cement building with zinc roof sits at the front of the land, an excellent starting point or base for anyone that wants to create their own house, eco-lodge, farm, business or wellness center.. 

Teeming with local wildlife and a haven for Belize’s native birds this land is full of beautiful local Hardwood trees that you could use to build; Rosewood, Santa Maria, Nargusta and Bullywood 

Mainly high and dry land, with a few low wetter areas to the back, this has street side access on a newly refurbished all weather road from Punta Gorda to Boom Creek. 

With a recent announcement of $5 million planned investment in Punta Gorda Town, this is an excellent time to invest in the area. With an upgrade in infrastructure and local amenities, property prices will increase meaning NOW is the right time to purchase……

Contact Jo today for further details or to arrange a viewing.  

This Property Has Been Viewed 11174 Times
For more information, please call: 1-250-361-7159
Address: PG
City/Town/Village: Punta Gorda Town
District: Toledo

Annual Property Tax: US $100

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