Side by Side Caribbean Sea Front Lots in Dangriga
ID #300
Availability Status: Reduced

Property Information for ID #300
Dreaming of a simplistic life off the grid, but not too far from comercial amenities? Then come discover the ultimate paradise...
Just Reduced to US$99,000 each for a quick sale.
These side x side Caribbean Sea front lots with 236 feet of sea front are located North of Dangriga and with planning your recources well and being creative, your opportunities are endless. If you are looking for a safe investment, then look no further.
Just a 15 min walk north up the beach from Pelican Beach Resort along the beach (1.1 km from the road).
Protected by the second largest barrier reef in the world, this stretch of beach enjoys year round calm and gentle seas and has one of the finest beaches in southern Belize.
These lots together offer a total of 236 feet of Caribbean Sea frontage, over 473 feet of depth, plus the 66 foot required set back from the sea. Spectacular views of the Caribbean Sea. This area has no official power or water supply, but these challenges can be overcome by using the right resources and a creative sustainablility and zero carbon footprint life style. Or buy now, sit back and watch your investment grow safely, without lifting a finger. It is a great investment property, if youre not in a rush to build your retirement home or your dream Caribbean get away vacation home in the future.
Lot B1 is 1.176 acres with approximately 118 feet of beach front and 510 feet deep.
Lot B2 is 1.256 acres with 118 feet of Caribbean Sea front and 548 feet deep.
Please call or contact us today to make an offer on the pair.
City/Town/Village: Dangriga Town
District: Stann Creek
Lot Size: 1.176 acres and 1.256 acres
Annual Property Tax: US $20